SDG Introduce

As we already know, Double Enveloping Worm Gear is the most developed
stage among all gear kinds and performs better with the best precision but
it is not easy to find it everywhere.
SDG has been researching and developing Double Enveloping Worm Gear
technologies for years and has been doing its best to solve existing
problems of general worm gears, such as, low efficiency, premature
breakage, heat generating, etc.
SDG team members promise to keep trying work on unsolved gear
problems with you and will not give it up until when Double Enveloping
Worm Gear is easily applied on any future technologies.
Thank you very much.

SDG members


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

장구형웜기어 치면 (double enveloping worm gear) - 에스디지(SDG)